Linggo, Marso 25, 2012

Puerto Galera

                   Puerto Galera this is the one of the beauty here in the Philippines the white beach of the Puerto Galera  is the one of the attraction of the place while the tourist is enjoying when the night comes their is a lot of concerts that conduct by the San Miguel,Globe,SMART those are some of the live concerts at Puerto Galera and every night  their is some artist went here to perform and give happiness to the people came here.
                  Puerto Galera has a lot of attraction they have a beautiful white beach at they preserved the beauty of the under water you can see their a lot of coral reefs and the sea creatures that you can't see in the other sea because of their improper care to the beach.Here in Puerto Galera their is a tour guide and they accompany you to travel underwater and to notice the beauty of the beach we have a picture under the water.Do you notice that the people  are very closely  in the sea creatures and the tourist guide remind the people that they need to be careful. So that is the  beauty in the Puerto Galera just go here and feel the fresh environment here.

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